Working Holiday France


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The Working Holiday France program allows you to legally work in the country for up to 12 months, and you can even stay for the duration you deem appropriate within that limit, immersing yourself in French culture through a Working Holiday visa.

Registration and Process Duration

Registration is open throughout the year. Once you obtain the visa (which depends on the opening date of quotas by country), you can start looking for a job. You should consider the time for visa processing, which typically takes from two weeks to two months to obtain a job. In total, you need at least 4 months to complete the pre-travel steps.

Annual visa quotas are limited by country, so it is advisable to start the application process as soon as you decide. Once registered, we will notify you of the opening of visa quotas by the French government.

Program Duration

This program can last up to 12 months or for the duration you find suitable within that timeframe, depending on the end of your job in France.


  • Be a Canadian citizen with a passport and be between 18 and 30 years old.
  • Have financial solvency of at least EUR $2,500 + EUR $1,000 in case you don't have a return ticket.
  • Have medical insurance for the duration of the visa (12 months).
  • Be in good health.
  • Have no criminal record.
  • Demonstrate a reservation or one-way airline ticket to the country.
  • Demonstrate accommodation for the first 15 days upon your arrival in the country.

Additionally, you should be aware that to apply for the visa, you must be in your own country; you cannot apply from another country.

Generally, the jobs you can undertake with this visa include:

  • Cleaning
  • Waiter/Waitress
  • Cook
  • Kitchen assistant
  • Cashier
  • Receptionist, among others.

The places where you can find the highest number of job opportunities are often in Paris, Lyon, or the French Alps.

You should consider that the type of work you can perform will depend largely on your knowledge of French and/or English and any previous work experience you may have.

Hourly Pay

Most jobs offer payment starting from EUR $11.27 per hour. Additionally, some jobs include tips.

You can apply through one of these program options:

Independent Option:

We handle the management and/or guidance for obtaining your visa, taking care of everything you need for your trip, guiding you upon arrival at your destination, providing a "welcome pack" during your initial days, and offering "job assistance," or we assist in securing the job required for visa issuance, if applicable.

Placement Option:

We handle the management and/or guidance for obtaining your visa, taking care of everything you need for your trip, guiding you to reach your destination, and arranging a job offer for you before you leave your home country.



  1. The "welcome pack" includes accommodation, program-related arrangements, and/or cultural immersion activities, depending on the program option and destination. This service does not apply to the United States. For more information, you can review the "Conditions" section.

  2. "Job assistance" is a service that provides guidance in job applications and/or directs you to private and/or government entities that support you in the job search process. For more information, you can review the "Conditions" section.


  1. Program

  2. Additional Costs to Pay to XPA

    • Registration Fee.
    • Airfare to France.
    • Airport Pick-up and/or Accommodation for the first few days (Optional, subject to availability).
    • Accident Insurance (mandatory).
  3. Personal Expenses

    • Visa.
    • Personal documentation costs.
    • Housing search and/or additional nights.


The Independent option includes:

  • Guidance and support for visa processing.
  • Assistance and guidance for unforeseen events throughout your stay.
  • Orientation and/or management of required documentation to legally stay and work.
  • Job Assistance.
  • Resume design workshop.
  • Interview preparation guide.
  • Orientation and/or application for up to 3 job offers.
  • Welcome pack.
  • One night of hostel accommodation.

The Placement option includes:

  • Guidance and support for visa processing.
  • Job offer in France.
  • Accommodation management (subject to availability).
  • Assistance and guidance for unforeseen events throughout your stay.
  • Orientation and/or management of required documentation to legally stay and work.
  • Welcome pack.*
  • One night of hostel accommodation with breakfast.*

The Premium option includes:

  • Guidance and support for visa processing.
  • Premium job offer in France.
  • Accommodation management (subject to availability).
  • Assistance and guidance for unforeseen events throughout your stay.
  • Orientation and/or management of required documentation to legally stay and work.
  • Welcome pack.*
  • One night of hostel accommodation with breakfast.*



  • Airfare to France.
  • Airport pickup and/or initial accommodation (subject to availability).
  • Accident insurance (mandatory).
  • Visa.
  • Costs of personal documentation.
  • Accommodation search and/or additional hostel nights.

The inclusion of this service is subject to necessity according to the job offer conditions and/or program option.


testimonio Claudia Kory Guajardo

Claudia Kory Guajardo

It was a good decision to go through the WH Canada process with XPA, as they have always answered my questions and have been guiding me throughout the process.

testimonio Fernanda Zapata

Fernanda Zapata

Amazing experience, I highly recommend it.

testimonio Hugo Delgado

Hugo Delgado

Our participant Hugo Delgado is experiencing his second XPA adventure, this time in Canada.

testimonio Yessenia Lizasoain

Yessenia Lizasoain

My advisor has been a great support, especially in helping me remember the steps I need to follow.